Effective psychological assistance

Consultations with experienced psychoanalysts in the center of Kyiv

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Effective psychological assistance
Effective psychological assistance

Unique opportunities


Comfortable sessions
PsySpace® is located in a cozy and quiet place with convenient transportation links, right in the center of Kiev, with an exit to Mariinsky Park. The calm atmosphere provides maximum guarantee of effectiveness.


Modernized workspace
Specialized PsySpace® offices are designed and equipped with everything necessary to ensure patient comfort. We take care not only of the comfortable environment, but also of the confidentiality and safety of the session.


Convenient schedule
PsySpace® works seven days a week, which allows patients to schedule their sessions without sacrificing their work time. All you need to do is to agree on the time with your specialist in advance.

Psychologists of the Center

PsySpace®: Approach to psychoanalysis

Every day, a person faces a million questions. Some of them are not as significant as they seem and can be easily handled, but others are just impossible to get rid of. These problems begin to torment and worry, causing unpleasant sensations. The anxiety is compounded by the fact that the right answer cannot be found.

When a person is unable to forget a certain question and stop thinking about it, it can be a source of worry and discomfort. Sometimes, this question seems routine and unimportant, but it continues to trouble the person. They are unable to understand why they can't let it go and move on. In such cases, a psychologist in Kyiv can help.


Our psychoanalytic approach aims not only to eliminate the causes of the difficulty, but also to eradicate their manifestations. The essence of this approach is that all of a person's unconscious conflicts can manifest themselves in various ways. For example, it can be depression or eating disorders, harmful habits, relationship or work concerns, loneliness. But these are just symptoms that, like masks at a masquerade, represent the consequences of deeper and hidden conflicts and desires that are not consciously known to the person.

Psychoanalysis works with deep psychological processes and conflicts, rather than their consequences and what is on the surface. It helps solve a wide range of questions and problems, and most importantly, helps find the answer to the question "Why?".

Our goal is to clarify and eliminate the deep-rooted causes, and their consequences in the form of manifested symptoms are eliminated automatically. This is the main difference of psychoanalysis from other types of psychotherapy.

We invite everyone to a therapeutic collaboration, anyone who wants to understand their own deep-seated problems and motivations, increase their level of emotional comfort, and eliminate physical manifestations. Psychoanalysis and our specialists in Kiev will help anyone who is determined to change themselves and explore their inner world. The main thing is to get to know yourself!


Psychoanalysis is a private theater where we can perform our entire psychological repertoire on stage

Joyce McDougall, French psychoanalyst

Psychoanalysis is a branch of depth psychology and psychotherapy (the field of depth psychology and method of psychotherapy). The methods of psychoanalysis are associated with the discovery of a person's unconscious desires and motives, which control them beyond their will. Being unconscious, these motives and desires "prevent the person from loving and working freely" (S. Freud). This can be expressed in the form of physical symptoms that cannot be treated, or in the form of repeated relationships that cannot be changed, or in a series of life events that seem to have no way out.

Goals of Psychoanalysis:
•  relief or elimination of psychological and physical suffering
•  increasing satisfaction in love, work, creativity, and overall - in life
•  assistance in self-development and self-discovery

Psychoanalysis helps to remember what is "impossible to remember and impossible to forget." And then the world becomes brighter, life becomes meaningful, and there is a desire to live, love, and work. 

The method of free association is the expression of all thoughts and images that come to your mind without criticism and censorship, even if it seems illogical or unworthy. In a session, you can and should talk about everything: how your day went, work, your concerns, children and parents, childhood, feelings, dreams, fantasies, and dreams. Say what is on your mind...

The goal of the method of free associations is to soften the boundary between conscious and unconscious processes, and thus to achieve greater freedom in expressing oneself. The analyst has experience in hearing "between the lines," and during the conversation with them, you will also learn not only to listen but also to understand yourself, and you will understand how to change your life for the better.

The method of dream interpretation has a very important psychological meaning, which can be understood through the use of free associations. Dreams represent the return of "forgotten" impressions associated with unconscious desires and motivations. A dream has explicit content - how you experience, tell or remember it. And also hidden content - in the form of a puzzle, which can be solved through your free associations and the interpretations of the analyst. The analyst will help you decipher the unconscious message and use this knowledge for a better understanding of yourself and changing your life.

The method of interpretations is a message in which the analyst assigns a meaning to what the analysand says, expanding and deepening the meaning that the analysand has in mind. You can confirm the correctness of the interpretation by your reaction to it, for example, by recalling some event after what the analyst said. Or you may not confirm it. The latter does not allow turning the interpretation into a dogmatic procedure, and the search for meaning will continue further. The goal of interpretation is to make psychic events conscious, and therefore, you will be able to better understand yourself.

The most traditional psychoanalytic understanding of the method of transference is that this phenomenon or process includes:

•  the patient's transfer of feelings, ideas, fantasies, desires, etc. related to significant individuals from the patient's past experience to the analyst;
•  the attitude towards the analyst as an object from one's own past;
•  in a broader sense, transference is understood as the emotional relationship of a subject to another subject, determined by their personal experience.

The development of transference in psychoanalytic therapy is not a hindrance. On the contrary, it is a necessary stage, and interpretations of transference are an effective means in analytical treatment.
Freud pointed out that as a result of the patient's influence on the psychoanalyst's unconscious, the phenomenon of "countertransference" arises, which needs to be recognized. Countertransference is a set of unconscious reactions of the analyst to the personality of the analyzed person, especially to their transference. Today, countertransference is considered the most powerful resource for treatment. The constant careful study by the analyst of the diversity of their feelings and attitudes towards the patient can contribute to a deeper understanding of the processes of their mental life.

Сопротивление — это все, что препятствует анализу, а также разумному Эго пациента. Сопротивление защищает страдание человека как старый адаптивный механизм.
«… Механизмы защиты, направленные против испытанной когда-то опасности, вновь повторяются в виде сопротивления выздоровлению во время лечения. Из этого следует, что Эго рассматривает само выздоровление как новую опасность» (З.Фрейд)

•  Сопротивление относится к изменению, которое сознательно желаемо, но бессознательно страшит.
•  Сопротивление является частью терапевтического процесса.
•  Не существует форм поведения, которые не могли бы быть использованы в качестве сопротивления,  если они достигают определенной силы (безрассудная страсть может точно также стать сопротивлением, как и излишнее количество сообщаемых сновидений или слишком рациональные размышления над ними).

Техника анализа сопротивления складывается из процесса осознавания сопротивления, его выявления, прояснения мотивов и интерпретации. Преодоление сопротивления открывает путь к проработке аффектов и желаний, стоящих за сопротивлением.

Опыт многих людей, прошедших психоанализ, показывает, что результатом психоанализа, как метода и как практики, являются перемены в жизни, которые люди оценивают как положительные.

Психоанализ — это позитивный ресурс для изменений, и большинство людей, которые им воспользовались, уже в процессе психоанализа отмечают, что их взаимоотношения с другими становятся более стабильными и эмоционально наполненными. Они лучше находят выход из различных жизненных ситуаций и внутренних конфликтов. Становятся более успешными в материальном и в социальном плане.

Затраты времени и денег, а также непростые переживания, связанные с прохождением анализа, как правило, всегда окупаются.
Завершившие анализ говорят, что психоанализ помог им избавиться от мучительных переживаний, и они чувствуют себя более уверенными в жизни и счастливыми.

Традиционно при прохождении анализа анализант лежит на кушетке, а аналитик сидит в кресле позади него. Отсутствие прямого контакта помогает расслабиться, речь становится более спонтанной и свободной. Это позволяет смотреть вглубь себя и соприкасаться со своими мыслями и чувствами. Но бывает и так, что анализанту комфортнее сидеть в кресле напротив аналитика.

Все, что происходит в кабинете, остается в строжайшей тайне. Безопасность анализанта гарантируется Этическим психоаналитическим кодексом. Аналитик никогда не будет наводить о Вас справки, звонить вашим родным или каким-либо иным образом вторгаться в вашу жизнь. Он интересуется Вами только как Личностью с уникальным  внутренним миром.

Продолжительность психоанализа определяется задачами, которые вы перед собой поставите. Он может длиться несколько недель или месяцев, а может — и несколько лет. Психика — сложный и тонкий инструмент, требующий внимательного изучения и обращения.

Если Вам нужно разобраться в какой-то конкретной ситуации, которая вызывает у вас затруднения, то 3-5 сессий может быть достаточно.

Но если вы хотите личностных изменений, изменений в отношениях  и в жизни в целом, то нужно понимать, что быстро научиться играть на инструменте своей души никак не получится. Потребуется систематическая работа. Как правило, 1-2 сессии в неделю по 45-50 мин в определенное фиксированное время.

Но вы всегда должны знать, что длительность анализа вы определяете самостоятельно и всегда сможете обсудить с вашим аналитиком  дату завершения анализа.

Principles of psychoanalytic therapy

«Psychotherapeutic work is based on the principles of ethics and confidentiality. Therapeutic contract is concluded orally or in writing - it's up to you, after the psychotherapist and the patient have made a decision to collaborate.»


All sessions are conducted under conditions of complete confidentiality. 


All records made during the session are kept completely safe. All records are encoded, and your name and other personal information are excluded.

Therapeutic principles

Therapeutic relationships are based on trust and mutual respect.

Certain conditions must be met for a successful psychotherapeutic process. The goal is to create a safe space for the patient where the process of their therapy can be effective. These therapeutic conditions include agreements about time, payment, and ethical boundaries. These conditions help to create a professional working alliance.

Therapeutic relationships in the "PsySpace®" environment are designed for the growth, development, and improvement of the patient's psychological state.

How Long Does Psychotherapy Last?

The duration of the psychotherapeutic agreement PsyAgreement depends on the patient's request, and is discussed and revised between the patient and the psychotherapist.

Notice Period

The patient must inform the therapist of their desire to terminate therapy at least 1 (one) session in advance in order to have the opportunity to summarize and end the therapy safely for the patient.

Ethical and professional practice

As Certified Specialists of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies (ECPP), the specialists at "PsySpace®" adhere to the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice of this organization.

Setting and general rules

Counseling. You can come to us whenever you want. It can be a one-time consultation, a couple or an individual one. You can come together with your partner or a child aged 14 or older if your question concerns your relationship with them. The duration of one individual session is 50 minutes. The duration of one couple session is 80 minutes. We will discuss your question and provide recommendations that we deem necessary. Perhaps next time you will want to turn to us in a week, a month, or a year. We will agree on the time of the consultation again.

Psychotherapy. Optimal therapeutic counseling occurs at a frequency of once a week. The duration of one session is 50 minutes. Less frequent meetings usually do not provide sufficient intensity of processes for the patient that can help desired changes. If necessary and mutually agreed upon, we can meet twice a week. This schedule usually makes mental processes more intensive.

We determine the time of our meetings at the first meeting, and in the future, this time becomes fixed for you. It is convenient: you do not need to additionally coordinate the time of the visit, it is difficult to forget or confuse. The meeting time can be changed if you need it and we have the opportunity. A pre-planned meeting rhythm provides a certain support - you always know exactly about our meeting.

It is important to understand that if you are late for the appointed time, our meeting will be shortened by the length of your delay. Usually, unfortunately, there is no possibility to rearrange our work schedule in such a way as to compensate for the time of your lateness. Therefore, please come on time.

During the session, both parties are obliged to provide the conditions for joint work (not to be distracted by other matters, calls, messages).

It is strictly prohibited to attend a session in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication (even mild) or under the influence of any consciousness-altering substances. Psychological work in a state of altered consciousness is unsafe. In case of the described incident, the session is canceled, and payment is non-refundable.